Transcript for When Life Gives You Lehman…

Page 1 transcript:

Top Panel:
A title card reads: “Two weeks ago…”
An analog clock above a blackboard says 12:48:19.
Protagonist (female) is sitting toward the back of the room, barely hiding her cellphone as she plays a game. The instructor (at the head of the room) is looking at the blackboard, where he just wrote the requirements for a paper (8-10 pages, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, etc.) that is due in 2 weeks.

Middle Panel:
Close-up for protagonist’s phone where it clearly shows her playing the game “Angry Birds.”

Bottom Panel:
A title card reads: “15 minutes later”
Analog clock above the blackboard reads 01:00:08.
Speech bubble from instructor says, “See you all next week!” Thought bubble from protagonist says, “Finally!”

End of page

Page 2 transcript:

Top Panel:
The protagonist and one of her classmates are standing just outside the classroom, talking.
Friend: “I just read about Henrietta Lacks and I’m gonna write this paper about her! What about you?” 
Protagonist: “I dunno yet. I’ll figure something out.”

Middle Panel:
Friend: “I’m heading to the library to get started on my research.  Wanna come?”
Protagonist: “Nah, I’m good.  Thanks.”

Bottom Panel:
The friend is walking away. A thought bubble over the protagonist’s head reads: “I’ll just get something off the Internet.”

End of page

Page 3 transcript:

Top Panel:
A title card says, “Yesterday…”
It’s nighttime. All the windows in an apartment building are dark, except one.
The protagonist, in her PJs, is visible in one of the windows, working in the blue aura of her computer. She’s sitting at her desk, one hand supporting her chin while she uses the other hand to maneuver the mouse. She’s obviously bored and tired.
The clock tower in the distance reads 11:55.

Middle Panel:
Close-up of protagonist, slumped over her PC. Visible on her screen is Wikipedia. She has highlighted an entire paragraph from the entry on Jamaica Kincaid.
Her hand is on the mouse.
In the middle of the highlighted passage, we see the mouse cursor with a pop-up menu. The command “copy” is highlighted.

Bottom Panel:
Protagonist is now in Microsoft Word. The title of her paper reads:
The Power of Domesticity: 
Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl”
Several paragraphs are already written. Between two such paragraphs, there is an extra
space. We see the mouse cursor with a pop-up menu. The command “paste” is highlighted.
The clock near her computer reads 12:01.

End of page

Page 4 transcript:

Top Panel:
Protagonist is still at her computer. Visible on her screen is SparkNotes. She’s highlighted an entire paragraph from the entry on Jamaica Kincaid.
Her hand is on the mouse. In the middle of the highlighted passage, we see the mouse cursor with a pop-up menu. The command “copy” is highlighted.
The clock near her computer reads 12:05.

Middle Panel:
Close-up of protagonist at her PC. Visible on her screen is Microsoft Word. Several paragraphs are already written. Between two such paragraphs, there is an extra space. We see the mouse cursor with a pop-up menu. The command “paste” is highlighted.

Bottom Panel:
The protagonist is printing her paper.
Protagonist stapling the sheets together. The cover page reads:
The Power of Domesticity: 
Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl”
Marisol Alvarez
ENG 120
Prof. A. D. Amant
The clock near her computer reads 12:25.

End of page

Page 5 transcript:

First Panel:
Title card says, “D-Day!”
From perspective of Marisol (sitting toward the back of the room). In chalk on one corner the board, a message reads: “Place papers here” with arrow pointing down to a box on the instructor’s desk.

Second Panel:
Continuation of previous panel. (End of chalkboard is visible in left corner of panel.)
Professor stands at podium. Speech bubble above his head says, “PRESENTATIONS TODAY! Marisol, you’re up first.”

Third Panel:
Focus is on Marisol. She is wide-eyed.

Last Panel:
Protagonist slaps her palm against her forehead (in a *facepalm* expression).

End of page

Page 6 transcript:
First Panel:
Marisol is at the head of room in front of the podium. The professor is sitting in a chair (visible in some of the panels).

Second Panel:
Marisol is dumbstruck and wide-eyed.

Third Panel:
Professor asks, “What’s your paper about?”
Marisol replies, “…uh…”

Fourth Panel:
Professor: “Can you tell us anything about your topic?”
Marisol: “…uh…”

Fifth Panel:
 View from the back of the room. Marisol looks beat.
Professor: “Sit back down, Marisol. Julia, you’re up!”
 As Marisol takes her seat, Julia is setting up at the podium.

Bottom Panel:
Title card says, “10 minutes later”
 View of Julia, front and center, with professor sitting off to the side.
Julia: “…and I would like to one day work with HeLa cells to find a cure for cancer.”
Marisol has a look of awe on her face.

End of page

Page 7 transcript:

Top Panel:
View from the back of the room. Students are clapping.
Professor: “Great job! Alex, you’re next!”

Middle Panel:
Julia has taken her seat near Marisol.
Marisol leans in toward Julia and whispers: “That was awesome! How did you do that?”
Julia (whispers back): “I read everything I could find about Henrietta Lacks!”

Bottom Panel:
Title card says, “2 weeks later”
Papers are returned. Marisol is holding hers in front of her. The grade on her cover page is a big, red F. In the corner, it reads: “Doesn’t sound like you. See me!”
Marisol (thinking): “Uh-oh…”

End of comic]=

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